2012 ~ 2013 |
- ImproOfficeQEP website, live on August 17, 2012.
- TSU Tiger Online Writing Lab (OWL), live on August 15, 2012.
- Summer 2012 syllabi revision project.
- Electronic grade sheets for each course listing and weighing student learning outcomes.
- Plan faculty development workshops and monthly gatherings.
Orientation |
- Prepare and distribute in new student packets and online student information literacy and writing resources sheets.
- Announce TSU Tiger OWL.
FS 102 |
- Plan and implement revised library tour and lecture series.
- Provide Information Literacy lessons in collaboration with library professionals.
ENG 131 & 132 |
- Pilot pre- and post-test in grammar and rhetoric.
- Implement critical reading through BigRead and Sprixle.
- Provide QEO students text for BigRead.
- Provide students with Cengage handbook and Aplia grammar online workshop.
- Develop writing templates and rubrics for writing assignments.
- Provide WordSmart text and initiate a vocabulary program.
- Provide Information Literacy lessons in collaboration with library professionals.
SC 135 & SC 136 |
- Implement revised pre- and post-test; grammar, reading, vocabulary, and writing initiatives.
- Provide Information Literacy lessons in collaboration with library professionals.
Assessment |
- Use revised measures, metrics, and rubrics to assess interventions; administer SAILS test to all freshmen.